constant stream of curated content
by io9 - about 14 minutes
This year, it's all about the Galaxy S25 and S25 Ultra. However, will smart glasses be Samsung's "one more thing"?
by io9 - about 16 minutes
Samsung Unpacked 2025 will likely showcase the Galaxy S25, though the real star of the show will be the new 'agentic' AI.
by QZ - about 16 minutes
Elon Musk is already casting doubt on OpenAI’s new, up to $500 billion investment deal with SoftBank (SFTBY) and Oracle (ORCL), despite backing from his allies — including President Donald Trump.Read more...
by Buzzfeed - about 17 minutes
“To be on the whitest show in America, I felt by myself… I felt like they weren’t getting it.”View Entire Post ›
by Le Monde - about 22 minutes
Les chiffres des actes antisémites dans le pays publiés par le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), mercredi 22 janvier, restent stables entre 2023 et 2024. Mais ils sont en nette hausse par rapport à 2022.
by Le Monde - about 23 minutes
Le modèle fondé sur des emplois bien payés et protégés par des acquis sociaux anciens est menacé par les suppressions de postes dans l’industrie. Longtemps dominant car lié à ce tissu économique, le SPD s’érode au profit de l’extrême droite.
by Courrier International - about 25 minutes
La presse saoudienne est ravie du nouveau locataire de la Maison-Blanche. Quand il a improvisé une danse du sabre lors de la journée d’investiture, elle y a vu un rappel de son voyage à Riyad en 2017. Donald Trump, lui, s’est dit prêt à réenvisager l’Arabie saoudite pour son premier voyage présidentiel... à certaines conditions.
by io9 - about 27 minutes
The Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet comes with a keyboard case and stylus pen accessories.
by Buzzfeed - about 37 minutes
The wrapping paper storage bags in this post are a year-round hit for a reason.View Entire Post ›
by Courrier International - about 38 minutes
Naviguant entre deux continents et deux métiers, Melanie Cheng a transformé son expérience d’expatriée en moteur de création, raconte le “South China Morning Post”.
by Wired - about 38 minutes
Need to send some money without getting scammed or robbed? Follow this advice.
by The Verge - about 38 minutes
In development for several years, Zigbee ambient sensing could turn existing Zigbee-powered lights, switches, and plugs into motion sensors. | Image: Ivani Lights that turn on when you walk into a room and turn off when you leave are one of the most desirable smart home features. But you need to buy additional hardware like motion sensors to make this “magic” happen. A new ambient sensing technology called Sensify could make this easier by turning your light bulbs into motion sensors. And it might be landing on a Philips Hue bridge near you very soon.
“There are tens of millions of devices with the base firmware already out there; we’re just working on the final touches to light up the full...
by Courrier International - about 43 minutes
Alors qu’il devait codiriger le “ministère” de l’efficacité gouvernementale, le milliardaire et entrepreneur dans les biotechnologies Vivek Ramaswamy en a été écarté et envisage désormais de briguer le poste de gouverneur de l’Ohio. De quoi laisser encore davantage de pouvoir à Elon Musk, souligne la presse américaine.
by QZ - about 48 minutes
Netflix (NFLX) reported strong earnings in 2024, thanks to 19 million new paid memberships during the fourth quarter – its largest increase ever. The streaming giant finished 2024 with with 302 million memberships. Read more...
by Courrier International - about 1 hour
Quelque 354 000 personnes seraient privées de domicile fixe dans la nation la plus peuplée du Royaume-Uni, soit un bond de 26 % par rapport à 2019. Considéré dans son intégralité, le pays fait pire que l’ensemble des autres États dits “développés”, déplore la presse londonienne.
by Courrier International - about 1 hour
“L’OMS nous a escroqués.” C’est avec ces mots que Donald Trump a claqué la porte de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. Un coup dur pour l’Afrique, très dépendante des fonds de l’agence onusienne pour ses politiques de santé. Mais, tempère “Aujourd’hui au Faso”, ce retrait peut aussi être l’occasion de lancer une politique africaine de santé souveraine.
by BBC - about 1 hour
At least 76 people are known to have died, including children and multiple family members.
by Paul Jorion - about 1 hour
Plus incroyable encore : il avait annoncé qu’il le ferait et on ne l’avait pas cru 
by Autheuil - about 2 hours
Un récent article du Figaro évoque la question de l »orientation politique de Wikipédia, qualifiant l’encyclopédie en ligne de « woke ». Rien de surprenant, cette vision étant attendue, voire recherchée par le lectorat du Figaro, le journaliste ne fait que donner à son public, ce qu’il a envie de lire et conforte ses opinions. Mais sur le […]
by HackAdAy - about 2 hours
It seems like the widespread use of delivery drones by companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart has been perpetually just out of reach. Of course robotics is a tricky field, and producing a fleet of these machines reliable enough to be cost effective has proven to be quite a challenge. But on an individual level, turning any drone into one that can deliver a package is not only doable but is something [Iloke-Alusala] demonstrates with their latest project.
The project aims to be able to turn any drone into a delivery drone, in this case using a FPV drone as the platform. Two hitch-like parts are 3D printed, one which adds an attachment point to the drone and another which attaches to the package, allowing the drone...
by The Verge - about 2 hours
I want to use this feature just to side-eye Gemini. | Image: Google Google is announcing a variety of classroom and accessibility-focused ChromeOS features today, and one of the standouts is being able to control your computer with your head and facial expressions. The feature — aimed at those with motor impairments — was first announced in early December, but it’s now rolling out to more users with compatible Chromebooks (Google recommends 8GB of RAM or more).
This isn’t Google’s first foray into the face-as-a-cursor space. It previously made an open-source AI accessibility tool for Windows games called Project Gameface, which was also announced for Android. Here’s a sample video from Google of...
by Zataz - about 2 hours
HelloQuitteX s’annonce comme une solution simple pour quitter X et migrer vers BlueSky ou Mastodon. Cependant, dès ses débuts, plusieurs limitations techniques ont suscité des interrogations. ZATAZ tente de tirer le vrai du faux !...
by BBC - about 3 hours
Trump said he had called Ulbricht's mother to let her know he had granted her son a full pardon.
by New Yorker - about 3 hours
The L.A. wildfires have resurfaced an old question: Are times too dark for a glitzy awards ceremony?
by New Yorker - about 3 hours
Lawmakers attempting to regulate children’s access to social media must decide whether bans or warning labels are the optimal route for keeping kids safe.
by BBC - about 4 hours
The new president accused Beijing of sending fentanyl to Mexico and Canada which ends up in the US.
by Le Monde - about 4 hours
Donald Trump promet des barrières douanières aux Européens. Faut-il répondre du tac au tac ou éviter l’escalade ? Les Européens sont divisés autour de cet enjeu à 1 500 milliards d’euros. Et leurs moyens de rétorsion plutôt limités.
by QZ - about 4 hours
After a long day traversing the ski slopes, there’s nothing like a good meal to restore your body and prepare for the next day’s adventures. And while the central joy of a ski vacation might be the skiing itself, there’s no reason to skimp on other aspects of visiting a new location.Read more...
by QZ - about 4 hours
When Google (GOOGL) unveiled its latest quantum chip in December, it said Willow achieved an almost three-decade-long challenge in the world of quantum computing.Read more...
by QZ - about 4 hours
There’s no real way to measure the intelligence of a population, but a research team at the testing platform BrainManager tried.Read more...
by Le Monde - about 4 hours
Les premières décisions du nouveau président américain à son arrivée à la Maison Blanche témoignent de la volonté de se soustraire au système de contrôles et de contre-pouvoirs.
by Usbek & Rica - about 4 hours
En France, alourdi par la dépendance à la voiture individuelle, le bilan carbone des transports affiche un résultat négatif. Et si la décarbonation de la mobilité se conjuguait avec collectif et multimodalité ? C’est la question qu’explorent ces scénarios tirés du dossier sur le futur de la mobilité conçu avec Keolis dans le nouveau numéro de FUTUR, le magazine d’Usbek & Rica.
by Le Monde - about 4 hours
Le ministre de l’intérieur a annoncé, mercredi 22 janvier, l’interpellation au matin d’un influenceur algérien, Rafik M. Le parquet a précisé quelques heures plus tard que « rien n’[était] retenu à ce stade » contre Rafik M., qui n’est d’ailleurs « pas en garde à vue ».
by Les Décodeurs - about 5 hours
De l’attaque terroriste du Hamas à la trêve entrée en vigueur dimanche, retrouvez dans notre chronologie de tous les événements majeurs du conflit qui secoue la région depuis quinze mois.
by HackAdAy - about 5 hours
If you’ve ever wondered what makes a computer tick, the Minimal 64×4 by [Slu4] is bound to grab your attention. It’s not a modern powerhouse, but a thoughtfully crafted throwback to the essence of computing. With just 61 logic ICs, VGA output, PS/2 input, and SSD storage, this DIY wonder packs four times the processing power of a Commodore 64.
What sets [Slu4]’s efforts apart is his refusal to follow the beaten track of CPU development. He imposes strict complexity limits on his designs, sticking to an ultra-minimalist Von Neumann architecture. His journey began with the ‘Minimal Ur-CPU’, a logic-chip-based computer that could crunch numbers but little else. Next came the ‘Minimal 64’, featuring...
by Torrentfreak - about 5 hours
The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov by French authorities in August 2024 was unexpected, the basis perhaps even more so. The mere suggestion that social media operators in the United States could face arrest overseas, for the alleged misconduct of a minority of users among more than a billion, would not be well received. According to reports, France accused a subset of Telegram users of committing a range of very serious crimes. Extending the blame to Durov personally, inaction in the face of complaints rendered him complicit, the authorities said.
Telegram’s New Leaf?
The detail of Durov’s unplanned extended French break, and how that was received behind the usually impenetrable walls of Telegram,...
by Korben - about 6 hours
Vous vous souvenez de l’époque où on passait des heures à trouver le cadrage parfait avec nos vieux appareils photos argentiques ? Et bien Picture Perfect capture magistralement cette sensation avec un concept de jeu, très original.
Développé pendant la game jam “Built to Scale” en seulement 96 heures, vous y incarnez un photographe armé de son fidèle appareil et votre mission c’est de capturer des moments parfaits en jouant avec la perspective et le positionnement de votre personnage.
by KCRW - about 6 hours
This week, Alex Hutchison , writer and author of Endure and The Explorer’s Gene : Why We Seek Big Challenges, New Flavors, and the Blank Spots on the Map , talks about the Arrival Fallacy - that what we expect to feel after we accomplish a goal like getting a promotion or running a marathon sometimes doesn’t quite match up with our expectations. Rather than seeking a life changing transformation, Hutchinsons says to focus on the satisfaction and joy that’s gained from the process of achievement and not necessarily the outcome.
by Journal du Lapin - about 7 hours
J’ai eu l’occasion de tester le boîtier Philips Hue Sync 8K pour iGeneration et même si le boîtier est (beaucoup) trop cher – 350 € -, il a quelques avantages intéressants si vous avez envie d’un équivalent de l’Ambilight… sans téléviseur Ambilight. Et il a l’avantage de fonctionner avec l’Apple TV en eARC si vous avz des HomePods, ce qui n’est pas anodin, tant la façon de faire d’Apple peut être bloquante. Je ne vais pas refaire le test, abonnez-vous à iGeneration pour le lire. Mais la partie sur l’Apple TV reste intéressante. Apple, donc, a choisi une voie un peu particulière avec l’Apple TV et les HomePods. Pour que les enceintes émettent le son du téléviseur ou...
by Les Décodeurs - about 7 hours
Le patron de l’Agence France-Presse déplore, dans une tribune au « Monde », l’arrêt du fact-checking sur les réseaux sociaux de Meta : ce processus de vérification de l’information fondé sur des techniques journalistiques « n’a jamais prétendu être la solution à la désinformation, mais il est le socle de la riposte. »
by Le Taurillon - about 7 hours
Il n'y a pas que la France qui s'apprête à (re)démarrer des négociations complexes sur son budget. Avant le début de l'été 2025, les États membres entameront de longues négociations pour définir le prochain cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) pour la période 2028-2034. La Commission européenne prépare quant à elle déjà sa copie, qu'elle soumettra aux États membres à ce moment-là. Mais ce ne sera pas simple, car l'Union européenne fait face à un “triangle d'incompatibilité budgétaire” pour consigner hausse des dépenses européennes dans des secteurs stratégiques, stagnation des contributions nationales et le remboursement à venir de la dette générée par le plan de relance...
by HackAdAy - about 8 hours
The piece of copper wire moments before getting vaporized by 4,000 joules. (Credit: Hyperspace Pirate, Youtube)
In lieu of high-explosives, an exploding wire circuit can make for an interesting substitute. As [Hyperspace Pirate] demonstrates in a recent video, the act of pumping a lot of current very fast through a thin piece of metal can make for a rather violent detonation. The basic idea is that by having the metal wire (or equivalent) being subjected to a sufficiently large amount of power, it will not just burn through, but effectively vaporize, creating a very localized stream of plasma for the current to keep travelling through and create a major shockwave in the process.
This makes the exploding wire...
by Wired - about 8 hours
With TurboTax, tax season doesn’t have to be stressful. Find deals for saving money right here on WIRED.
by Buzzfeed - about 9 hours
There's something for everybody in this mix of clever, practical, and fun products.View Entire Post ›
by BBC - about 9 hours
The two leaders pledged to bring China-Russia relations to "greater heights".
by HackAdAy - about 11 hours
During the Cambrian Explosion of cellphone form factors at the turn of the millenium, Nokia reigned supreme. If you’d like to see what they were doing behind the scenes to design these wild phones, you’ll love the Nokia Design Archive from Aalto University.
Featuring images, presentations, videos and a number of other goodies (remember transparencies?), this collection gives us some in-depth insight into how consumer products were dreamed up, designed, and brought to market. Some projects require more reading between the lines than others as the Archive is somewhat fragmented, but we think it could still be an invaluable peek into product design, especially if you’re working on projects that you want to...
by The Verge - about 12 hours
Using the non-touch screen on an older Bambu P1P 3D printer. | Photo by Sean Hollister / The Verge Bambu Lab, the company behind my favorite 3D printers, has given itself one hell of a week. Now, I’ve got answers to some of my burning questions, answers which you might also hopefully appreciate. But first, some backstory.
Since last Thursday, some creators have pledged not to buy Bambu printers anymore, even removed some of their 3D models from its online repository, after the company revealed it would add a new proprietary authentication mechanism that could keep you from using third-party tools to remote control your printer. While you’d still be able to stick a file on an SD card and physically put it...
by The Verge - about 12 hours
Image: Cath Virginia / The Verge; Getty Images On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump issued a pardon to Ross Ulbricht, who ran the dark web marketplace Silk Road under the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts.” Ulbricht has been serving a life sentence without parole since 2015, when he was convicted of multiple charges, including the distribution of narcotics.
The Silk Road marketplace, which was only accessible through the Tor network, became one of the most prevalent early commercial uses of Bitcoin. Buyers and sellers traded in illicit drugs, forged passports, and more. In the intervening years, Ulbricht became a cause celebrè for a certain segment of the right-wing, particularly in the crypto crowd...
by io9 - about 13 hours
The anti-Academy Awards 'celebrate' the mid to meh to just plain unwatchable from 2024's film releases.
by Wired - about 13 hours
Donald Trump pardoned the creator of the world’s first dark-web drug market, who is now a libertarian cause célèbre in some parts of the crypto community.
by io9 - about 13 hours
Once again, NordVPN delivers with a winter promotion that is likely to tempt many. Don't miss out, it only lasts for a few days.
by New Yorker - about 13 hours
In “Open Socrates,” the philosopher Agnes Callard reminds us how thinking should feel.
by Wired - about 13 hours
The exit will cut a huge chunk from the World Health Organization’s budget, but the short-term financial gain for the US could come at the cost of disease outbreaks flaring up across the world.
by BBC - about 13 hours
War appears to have accelerated the spread of pathogens resistant to antibiotics in the country.
by Wired - about 14 hours
Policy experts say the implications of Donald Trump’s executive order for EV owners—and the EV-curious—won’t be clear for a while.
by HackAdAy - about 14 hours
Lubing your keyboard’s switches is definitely a personal preference, though we’re sure that many would call it absolutely necessary. However, people from both camps would probably not suggest is using WD-40 to do so, instead pointing toward Krytox or at least Super Lube. But there are enough people out there who have tried the great water displacer and claim to have experienced no problems that [Sea_Scheme6784] decided to give it a go (so you don’t have to).
Having now collected enough boards to sacrifice one to the lubrication gods, [Sea_Scheme6784] chose a completely stock Logitech G413 SE with brown switches and heavily sprayed every one. Oh yeah, there was no taking them apart first as most lube...
by The Verge - about 14 hours
Image: The Verge President Donald Trump says he’d be open to his buddies Elon Musk or Larry Ellison buying TikTok.
“Larry, let’s negotiate in front of the media,” Trump said at a press conference with the Oracle co-founder, SoftBank CEO Masa Son, and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to announce a $500 billion artificial intelligence infrastructure investment. “What I’m thinking about saying to somebody is, buy it, and give half to the United States of America. Half, and we’ll give you the permit. And they’ll have a great partner, the United States.”
“Sounds like a good deal to me, Mr. President,” Ellison said. @nbcnews President #Trump says he’s open to #ElonMusk buying TikTok “if he wanted to...
by Zataz - about 14 hours
Une opération de la cyberpolice ukrainienne a permis de mettre fin aux activités d’un groupe d’hameçonneurs ciblant des citoyens européens et opérant depuis la ville de Zaporizhzhya....
by Zataz - about 14 hours
Une fuite majeure et pas commune expose les données détaillées de plus de 16 millions de lignes d’information liées à l'industrie hôtelière, offrant une vue globale sur des centaines d’hôtels à travers le monde....